What is Bartholin’s cyst?
There are bartholin glands, one on each side of the vagina. Bartholin’s glands activate with puberty and begin to produce secretions.The fluid released from the Bartholin glands provides wetness and lubricity to the vagina. Thus, it facilitates sexual intercourse and penetration. Normally, Bartholin’s glands are not large enough to be noticed. Bartholin’s cyst occurs when the glands cannot release the secretion they produce as a result of stimulation into the vagina. Bartholin’s cyst occurs as a result of accumulation of secretions in the glands. Cysts, which are usually seen on one side, can be seen on both sides in some cases. Bartholin’s abscess occurs when a Bartholin’s cyst is left untreated and infected.
Who is Bartholin’s cyst seen in?
Bartholin’s cyst is more common in women who are young and have regular sexual life. This secretion accumulates in women who cannot expel the secretion in their bodies during sexual intercourse. As a result of this accumulation, a cyst is formed.
What Are the Symptoms of Bartholin’s Cyst?
Bartholin’s cyst is usually unilateral, rarely it can develop bilaterally. The size of this swelling varies. It can also show a tendency to grow and shrink in a short time. In the clinical picture of Bartholin’s abscess, this swelling is accompanied by redness, increased temperature, tenderness, severe pain and stinging. Patients have general fatigue and fever. If the abscess grows and the fluid in it drains, the severe pain will subside for a while.
How is Bartholin’s Cyst Treatment?
People who suspect a Bartholin’s cyst should be examined by a specialist doctor as soon as possible. When an infection is observed in the area, support is given with antibiotic treatment. Other treatment methods are to drain the abscess and use painkillers. Expelling the accumulated fluid with the Marsupialization method is among the effective methods for treating the initial abscess. If the discomfort is very advanced and has now turned into a cyst, the cyst can be destroyed with carbon dioxide laser therapy or silver nitrate therapy. Surgical intervention is required in the most advanced level of the cyst and in cases where the size becomes evident. The area heals in an average of 10 days. Although it varies from person to person, there is always a possibility that the disease will occur. As Istanbul Gyno, We are here with our professional and experienced gynecologists for you. You can always contact with us.