What is HPV?
It is known as Human Papilloma Virus. HPV is a type of virus. HPV is usually transmitted sexually. There are many types of HPV virus. While some of them cause warts, others can cause cervical cancer. As a matter of fact, 99% of cervical cancer patients also carry HPV. HPV virus can cause cancer types other than cervical cancer.
What Are the Symptoms of HPV?
The incubation period of the virus varies according to the type of HPV. The virus usually manifests itself 2 months to 6 years after the person is infected. The virus causes warts of different numbers and sizes in the genital area, anus, and mouth in men and women. Some people experience symptoms shortly after getting the virus, while others may not see any symptoms for years. Condoms are not a sure protection for HPV. Therefore, HPV is an issue that needs attention. If you suspect HVP virus, you can meet one-on-one with the most experienced gynecologists of Istanbul at the Dr. Mehmet Koc Clinic.
How is HPV Transmitted?
HPV spreads very easily through polygamy. Starting sexuality at an early age and having unsafe sexual intercourse play a major role in catching cancers caused by the HPV virus. However, contrary to what is known, HPV types are not only sexually transmitted. HPV might be transmitted by the skin. If the virus is on the fingers, hand, mouth or genital area, the person who touches these areas will also get the virus. That’s why it’s important for children to be vaccinated against HPV at an early age. It should be remembered that the vaccine must be given before becoming infected with the virus.
How is HPV Diagnosed?
HPV infections do not cause symptoms in most people. Therefore, it is difficult to detect HPV in the early stages. The most effective way of diagnosis is regular examination and early diagnosis. For diagnosis, first of all, the genital area is examined. Smear tests are also used for diagnosis. These tests are especially important for detecting cervical cancer early. In these tests, a sample is taken from the region and the following results are evaluated. If HPV is detected, some additional tests may be needed to understand the type of virus. Depending on the type of HPV, the disease can also pass on its own. However, some risky virus types can even cause cancer. HPV vaccine is the most effective protection method to avoid all these.
What is the HPV Test?
The HPV test is based on examining a smear or tissue sample from the cervix. High-risk lesions can be detected by HPV testing. HPV testing is usually done by women aged 30 and over.
How is HPV Treated?
HPV treatment is done in different ways according to gender. The most successful method used in wart treatment for men is the burning method. Other treatment options are cauterization, LRRP or laser burning. Warts can be burned as well as frozen, and small warts can be treated with special creams. For women, the situation is slightly different. There is no effective treatment for HPV virus in women. Treatments are carried out only to slow the rapid spread of the virus and prevent its transmission. However, the options vary depending on the type of HPV. If you want one-on-one examination, we are here with the best gynecologists and equipments in Istanbul.
What is the HPV Vaccine?
The HPV vaccine protects people from certain types of HPV. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from the diseases caused by the virus. Thus, it is possible to be protected from warts and cancer caused by the virus in the genital area. HPV vaccine: It provides protection from 80% of cervical cancers, warts that cause 90% of genital warts, and virus types that cause various cancers. The virus is introduced into the body through the vaccine, and thus the immune system begins to protect itself without encountering the virus. In this way, the body can protect itself against possible infections. Vaccination of individuals between the ages of 15-45 is of great importance in terms of public health. HPV vaccine consists of 3 doses. In persons older than 15 years of age, the second dose is administered two months after the first dose. The third dose is administered 6 months after the second dose. If the person is under the age of 15, 2 doses are applied, 6 months apart. Full protection cannot be achieved if all doses of the vaccine are not completed. That’s why it’s important to have all doses complete. Even if a person is infected with any type of HPV, they can be vaccinated.
Who Shouldn’t Get the HPV Vaccine?
If a person is allergic to any component of the vaccine, there is a great risk of getting vaccinated. It is also risky to apply to people with yeast allergies. Therefore, before vaccination, the person should be sure that there is no obstacle to vaccination. Pregnant people should also wait until their pregnancy is over before getting the vaccine. During the vaccination period, people with any serious illness cannot be vaccinated.
What Are the Side Reactions of the HPV Vaccine?
The HPV vaccine is a very safe vaccine. However, after vaccination, as with most other vaccines, a person may experience mild pain or redness at the injection site.